Готовые проекты After Effects

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Zoom Transitions 610616 2 - Final Cut Pro Templates
27.01.2025, 20:26

Zoom Transitions 610616
Final Cut Pro X 10.4.8 | 1920x1080 | No Plugins Required | RAR 40.9 MB


This Zoom Transitions pack is a creative and cool looking FCPX template that contains a cinematic
collection of dynamically animated zoom transitions mixed with a nice rotation effect. Easy to
change the duration of the transitions. This pack contains unique transitions to enhance the
look and feel of your TV shows, commercials, trailers, teasers, corporate presentations,
business slideshows, promotions, and events videos. Check out
my portfolio for more awesome projects here.

Скачать | Download: Turbobit.net
Скачать | Download: uploadcloud.pro
Категория: After Effects Project другие | Добавил: gringrey | Теги: Transitions, Pro, Cut, Templates, final, After Effects Project другие, zoom, 610616
Просмотров: 14 | Загрузок: 0 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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