Готовые проекты After Effects

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Videohive - Vertical Split Screen 47690285 - Project For Final Cut
30.08.2023, 13:31

Videohive - Vertical Split Screen 47690285
Final Cut Pro X 10.6.0 (and above versions) | 2160x3840 | No Plugins Required | RAR 88.4 MB


Vertical Split Screen for Final Cut Pro X . This impressive tool using titles functional for smooth moving
Your main video, splitting with additional stuff (photo/video). It looks like smooth transition
from single screen to splitted one with double, triple, etc screens.

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Категория: After Effects Project другие | Добавил: gringrey | Теги: Project, Screen, for, final, Vertical, 47690285, split, VideoHive, After Effects Project другие, Cut
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