Готовые проекты After Effects

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Slideshow - Brush Effects - Love Story 36184 - After Effects Templates
11.01.2025, 09:10

Slideshow - Brush Effects - Love Story 36184
After Effects Version CS6 and higher | 1920x1080 (HD) | No Plugins Required | RAR 41.1 MB



Slideshow - Brush Effects - Love Story is a lovely and artistic template for After Effect. Charming
and elegantly animated with simple text animations and imaginative heart shaped, brush stroke reveals.
Including 15 image/video placeholders, 16 editable text layers and 1 logo placeholder. Easy to edit and
customzie with a full color controller. Ideal for your photo albums of anniversaries, weddings,
special moments, valentines days and romantic occasions. Create an alluring and creative
slideshow that you and your partner can watch together. Available in HD.

Скачать | Download: Turbobit.net
Скачать | Download: uploadcloud.pro
Категория: After Effects Project другие | Добавил: gringrey | Теги: Templates, after, After Effects Project другие, story, Brush, Slideshow, 36184, Effects, Love
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