Готовые проекты After Effects

Воскресенье, 16.02.2025, 18:34
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Elegant Gallery 30192 - After Effects Templates
10.01.2025, 18:39

Elegant Gallery 30192
After Effects Version CS5.5 and higher | 1920x1080 (HD) | No Plugins Required | RAR 53.5 MB



Elegant Gallery is a moody and grungy photo gallery with flickering particles throughout. It would
be great to use as your slideshow. It has 10 Image/video placeholders and 10 fully editable
text layers, You can edit the color palette simply with a few clicks.
Download today and start working on your next amazing project.

Скачать | Download: Turbobit.net
Скачать | Download: uploadcloud.pro
Категория: After Effects Project другие | Добавил: gringrey | Теги: Effects, Gallery, Templates, After Effects Project другие, after, 30192, Elegant
Просмотров: 31 | Загрузок: 0 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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