Готовые проекты After Effects

Воскресенье, 16.02.2025, 18:21
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Book Photo Album - Project for After Effects
30.01.2025, 18:51

Book Photo Album
After Effects Version CS6 and higher | 1920X1080 (HD) | No Plugins Required | RAR 79.8 MB



A fully costumizible Book Album Template , in full hd 1980×1080 px and 1280×780 px ,in this template
you have 20 photo or video holders , 22 text holders , 2 text titles on covers ,8 pre-ready table
textures ,5 cover textures and 3 paper textures , also you can change all you like textures and
make this template look like you want , you can put photos and videos here and all photo-video
holders have 3 level effect .Photo or video will show up from cartoon to sepia then in full color.
you can customize everything and change all textures like you want.

Скачать | Download: Turbobit.net
Скачать | Download: uploadcloud.pro
Категория: After Effects Project другие | Добавил: gringrey | Теги: photo, after, for, Project, Effects, book, After Effects Project другие, Album
Просмотров: 14 | Загрузок: 0 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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